Cookie policy


This Cookie Policy has been customized specifically for the site , owned by Puresport s.r.l., with headquarters in via Galileo Galilei n. 15, 20856 Correzzana (MB), as Data Controller.
This Policy was drawn up based on the provision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data no. 229 of May 8th, 2014 “Identification of simplified methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” and of the new provision no. 231 of June 10th, 2021 “Guidelines for cookies and other tracking tools”. It integrates and updates other information already present on the site and/or released before now by the company, in combination with which it provides all the elements required by the art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679.

Important warning

All third parties are informed that the use of this information, or even just some parts of it, on other websites in reference to which it would certainly be irrelevant and/or incorrect and/or inconsistent, may result in the imposition of heavy sanctions by the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.

What are cookies

In practical and non-technical terms, the cookie can be considered a tracking system which consists of a small file, stored by the website in the browsing user’s device, used with the aim of saving the preferences expressed during browsing. and to improve the performance of the website, optimizing the browsing experience. In technical terms, cookies are defined as text strings (generally formed by the combination of letters and numbers) that the websites (so-called first parties) visited by the user or different sites / web servers (so-called third parties) position and they store, directly and/or indirectly within a terminal device (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that is available to the user. The servers for browsing the internet or for the operation of the device can store cookies and then re-transmit them to the same sites that generated them, in view of a subsequent visit by the same user. Specifically, these tracking tools allow the Site to recognize a specific device or browser.

Types of cookies and related purposes

Cookies can be classified into:

Applicable legislation

For the use of cookies and other technical tracking tools, the Data Controller is subject only to the obligation to provide specific information to the Data Subject.
With regard to cookies and other tracking tools for purposes other than technical ones, use is permitted exclusively after obtaining the user’s informed consent, which must be expressed with an unequivocal act pursuant to Recital 32.

Consent acquisition mechanism

The Data Controller guarantees the mechanism for acquiring consent through the presentation of a banner upon the user’s first access to the site.
The banner contains:

Legal basis of the provision

For technical cookies, the legal basis of the provision is represented by the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f) GDPR, as these are cookies necessary for the functioning of the site.
For non-technical cookies, the legal basis of the provision is represented by the consent expressly expressed by the user and always revocable pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) GDPR.

Cookies used

Strictly necessary cookies


Preferences cookies


Statistics cookies


Marketing cookies


Your browser settings

We also inform you that the user can configure, freely and at any time, his privacy parameters in relation to the installation and use of cookies, directly through his navigation program (browser) by following the relevant instructions.
In particular, the user can set the so-called “private browsing”, thanks to which his browsing program stops saving the history of the sites visited, any passwords entered, cookies and other information on the pages visited.
We warn you that if the user decides to deactivate all cookies (even those of a technical nature), the quality and speed of the services offered by this website could drastically worsen and you could lose access to some sections of the site. same.

Rights of Data Subjects

We inform you that as an Data Subject in the processing you have the right to exercise the following rights:

The aforementioned requests may be addressed to the Data Controller.
The data controller is Puresport s.r.l., with headquarters in via Galileo Galilei n. 15, 20856 Correzzana (MB).

Methods of exercising rights

The Data Subject may at any time exercise their rights by sending:
- a registered letter with return receipt to Puresport s.r.l., with headquarters in via Galileo Galilei n. 15, 20856 Correzzana (MB);
- an e-mail to
Furthermore, if it is believed that the processing has been carried out in violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data, the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data, Piazza Venezia n. 11, 00187 Rome.